Book Review: “What’s Best Next” by Matt Perman

WBN_Cover-300x272My desire to read What’s Best Next came from my own need.  Having tried many ways at time management, nothing has ever really clicked into place for me.  I’ve heard popular bloggers talk about Matt Perman’s advice on effectiveness for years and was excited when I saw this book was coming out.

The book begins by busting up common myths about productivity. Many of the myths he listed were things I had previously believed.  Thus, the introduction alone hooked me.   Perman then goes on to say that his “aim in this book is to reshape the way you think about productivity and then present a practical approach to help you become more effective in your life with less stress and frustration, whatever you are doing” (20). This is what I need and you probably do too.

The rest of the book is broken up into seven parts.  That sounds like a lot but they move fast.  Perman is an engaging writer who doesn’t waste word in bringing his message to his readers.  Over those seven parts, Perman explains why it’s had to get things done but why just getting things done isn’t enough.  He presents a better—more realistic and purposeful—approach to effectiveness and productivity.  This involves figuring out what’s most important and clarifying your roles.  For Perman, the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes a key factor in this part of his productivity.  Trusting God, knowing his calling, and glorifying Christ all bring focus to his life and planning. From here, Perman gives practical direction and resources for putting these principles into practice.  Here he covers setting up routines, planning out weeks, eliminating wasted time, managing projects, and handling email.

All of this information comes together in ways that make sense and seem doable.  There’s work involved, but it’s not something that seems unattainable, even for the average person.  In fact, I think what impressed me the most about the book is that is defies the genre in some ways.  As mentioned before, Perman is a Christian who has worked for Christian ministries but this book is not written just for Christians. Furthermore, many books written on time management or effectiveness in work focus on the executive type.  They have a very corporate feel.  Perman makes clear that this book is for anyone who wants to be more effective. It works for the executive but it also works for the housewife or pastor or skilled tradesman.  It works for the Christian and the non-Christian. And, from what I can see in the book and in Perman’s own life, it works well.

Get this book. Read it. Be more effective in your pursuits.

Now, how about some goodies and links?

Here you can check out the Table of Contents and get a great feel for the flow and content of the book.

If you click here you can read the opening pages of the book (including John Piper’s forward) and whet your appetite for more.

Go here and read Perman’s own thoughts on writing the book and what he hoped to accomplish.

At the end of the book, Perman talks about an online toolkit available to help you get going. You can open that toolkit here.

Finally, here a videos to watch with Matt Perman talking about the book:

Hey, you made it this far? You must be interested in getting the book. How about 50% bulk discount when you buy 5 or more copies?  Click here to get this deal through WTS Books. 


*Disclosure: I received this book free from the publishers in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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