The Week in Review (10.18.13)


Some notable books came out this week: What Is the Meaning of Sex by Denny Burk, Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors by Voddie Baucham, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall, and Jonathan Edwards: His Doctrine of and Devotion to Prayer by Brian Najapfour.

This week, Challies did again what made him famous several years ago: live-blog a conference.  Specifically, he has been live-blogging the Strange Fire Conference hosted by John MacArthur.  This conference has nearly melted down Twitter, so check out his great summaries of the talks.

My favorite Methodist, Fred Sanders, has a short but helpful article on how to celebrate Matthew Henry’s birthday.  If you’re at all familiar with Henry, you can probably guess how this goes.

Over at The Briefing website, Jean Williams offers some helpful  directions on “How to Read a Christian Book.”  You may not think you need this article, but after you read this, you’ll realize how much you didn’t know.

Finally, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (my alma mater) posted a video documenting the helpful changes brought about through the leadership of President R. Albert Mohler.  It’s a fitting look back after the first 20 years of his presidency.  Of course, the real hero is God himself who sustained Mohler during his difficult days. In addition to the video, you can read an interview with Mohler himself.

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